
Social Media App
Social Media Sharing
Shoping App
Taxi and Ride Sharing App
Social Game
Wallet App
Schedule Web App
Ice Cream Retail App
Cryptocurrency Web & Mobile App
Doctor app
Gold App
Chat App


Member since: July 08, 2013
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Top Level




"Seno is responsive, has great attention to detail, and was very easy to work with. Would recommend to anyone!"
Anonymous client reviewed 8 months ago
"Fantastic Designer - best in class!"
Profile pictureOliver357 reviewed over 1 year ago
"Super work and super communication"
Anonymous client reviewed almost 2 years ago
"Great work and very easy to work with. Thank you!!!"
Profile picturepheel reviewed almost 2 years ago
"Seno was amazing! We asked for 15 designs from various artists and Seno was the best. From the design to communication. We will def work more with him."
Profile picturefilip.zafraU reviewed almost 2 years ago