
GoAdu logo design
One Thousand One Nights Accelerator logo concept
Founders Fuel logo concept
GrowthSpurt logo concept
Bioerna logo concept
Influencer Nation Logo Concept
Nightmares logo design
Logo animation for NIGTHMARES
BroadSword Logo design concept
broad sword isotype animation
truvami logo concept
Metamorhp nutrition logo concept


I am a professional graphic designer with more than 15 years of experience. Branding and logo design is my passion and I am happy to have helped countless clients in all fields and industries create their identities, becoming a skilled and versatile brand and graphic designer

Ask me anything! I'd like to help.

Available for 1-on-1 projects.

Member since: February 24, 2016


"Loved his design. Great work, on time, worked well to get what we wanted."
Profile picturecareYl reviewed 5 months ago
"Wonderful work!!"
Profile pictureaskcoacX reviewed 6 months ago
"Awesome work!! Great job. "
Profile pictureaskcoacX reviewed 7 months ago
"Thank you!"
Profile pictureGiordan Bueno responded 7 months ago
"Awesome work again!"
Profile pictureaskcoacX reviewed 8 months ago
"Thank you very much!"
Profile pictureGiordan Bueno responded 8 months ago
"Awesome job as per usual! "
Profile pictureaskcoacX reviewed 9 months ago
"Thank you very much!"
Profile pictureGiordan Bueno responded 9 months ago