
Super premium no grain dry cat food
Luxurious and minimalist candle sticker labels for Polaris Candles
Pineapple Ginger Drink
Ankerio Sea Salt
Probiotic Dog Chew
skin booster packaging for professional use
Natural Deodorant with a bit of a rebellious touch
Packaging design for dog supplement brand
Label design for mushroom supplement
An aesthetic label for Colostrum Product
Manuka Honey Label
Pet Shampoo Label Design


"IlonaGi did great job. It was pleasure to work with her. Thanks for IlonaGi"
Anonymous client reviewed 5 days ago
"Thank you, it was a pleasure for me too!" (edited)
Profile pictureilonaGi responded 5 days ago
"Thank you so much."
Anonymous client reviewed 22 days ago
"Ilona is fast and always does fantastic work for us. We aloways enjoy working with her "
Profile pictureelevk reviewed about 1 month ago
"Thank you"
Profile pictureilonaGi responded about 1 month ago
"Ilona creates beautiful work and we always enjoy collaborating with her "
Profile pictureelevk reviewed about 1 month ago
"Thank you :), it is always a pleasure to deal with you!"
Profile pictureilonaGi responded about 1 month ago
"Ilona is so wonderful to work with! We love her 3D renderings "
Profile pictureelevk reviewed about 1 month ago